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Pontiac 1937-38 6 and 8 Cyl.

Part #: 1947A/B - Externally cleaned to the bare metal. Housings re-bushed with bronze bushings, shafts reground and polished. Apple Hydraulics.

$ 245
Pontiac 1939-48 6 and 8 Cyl. Delco Lever shock

Part #: 1947C/D. Externally cleaned to the bare metal. Housings re-bushed with bronze bushings, shafts reground and polished.

$ 245
Pontiac Dubonnet Knee Action Shock Absorber - 1934-36, Yours Rebuilt...

Yours Rebuilt - Fits 1934-36 Pontiac. Picture shows some of the parts we use in rebuilding these state of the art knee shocks.

$ 245