Copy of British Lever Shock Identification / Pricing Explained
Lever shocks for British and Other ImportsARMSTRONG REBUILT SHOCKSShocks are available in Heavy Duty option, additional $15
All our rebuilt shock absorbers are available as Standard or Heavy Duty Rebuilds. Prices listed are exchange prices for Standard Rebuilds (for Heavy Duty Upgrade add $15.00 per shock). FRONT SHOCKS ONLYHighly Recommended (for Austin Healey, Sprite/Midget, MGB only): Always replace rubber bushings between front shock and kingpin. These critically overlooked bushings are almost always worn out. Please request these bushings with every front shock you order. $4.50 ea. (2 required per shock)(*) Also available:- Kingpin (swivel axle) rebushing and/or rebuilding (Big Healey, MGTD/TF, MGA, MGB, Midget/Sprite)- Rebuilt lower A-arms (Midget/Sprite) REAR SHOCKS ONLYPlease Check: A rebuilt shock won't compensate for a connecting link with worn or loose bushings. They should be tight and wobble free. $20-$65 per link (outright, except 1953-62 Austin Healey exchange only).On this page: In Stock: A-H MGA MGB/C Midget Sprite Triumph ... | Vintage Shocks VINTAGE REBUILT SHOCKSShocks listed in the following table R&R basis only.